Many hosting providers may try to sway you with talk of the very high bandwidth levels they allow you and the massive amount of disk space but don't base your decision solely on this factor. The truth is over 90% of sites on Shared Web Hosting never get anywhere near there bandwidth levels, with a large number using less than a tenth their limit.
Type host operating system: If your website is based on technologies such as JSP, ASP, etc, and require others, to complement or Microsoft MSACCESS MS SQL database that should go for windows hosting. On the other hand, if the user is using technologies like cold fusion, then you can run on Linux and Windows platform.
Just understand one thing; dedicated hard work over long hours generates a big money income. Now look again at what Affordable Web Hosting is in the context of real work.
If you are planning to put up more websites, then it will be helpful to have the 'addon domains' feature. This will enable you to host multiple websites on one web hosting account without the need to incur additional costs.
When you are looking for PHP Hosting, some basic features you need to remember. Like as cPanel this feature easily allows you to install shopping carts, blogs, forums, MySQL database. Ensure that you're hosting provider gives you 24/7 support. Disk space is another thing that you might to remember but it is mostly depending on how much data your Website will manage. Also take look at how much disk space may offer your PHP Shared Web Hosting UK hosting provider. You should make sure that you get sufficient space to suit the type of Website you are developing. But obliviously this kind of things is depends on your needs.
There are hundreds and hundreds of web hosting companies available, choose the one that fits your specific needs first. Whether its server space or bells or whistles, every hosting company offers a little something different. Figure out your needs first then go forth.
Cheap web host providers are the ones that likely go bankrupt in the web hosting business. This will result to the shutting down of web sites - and this means, loss of business for your part. Moreover, transferring to another web host entails a lot of inconvenience for yourself as well as for your clients.